Hello Readers!
I'm Raven, the author behind Elijah! This idea has been floating around in my head for a very long time, and so here it is. I'm a 24 year old who is going to college, majoring in English (since I love to write) and on the side I like to spend time drawing, writing, playing MMORPG's or roleplaying. And the roleplaying I speak of is collaborative writing, just for fun, in which I take the role of a character while someone else takes the role of another character.
This story isn't meant to be completely factual. So please don't scream at me if something is off. Now if it is way off the mark then yes, feel free to let me know. I will enjoy constructive feedback from readers. It will help me grow as a writer, but if you decide to flame me, I probably won't pay you any mind. Just a heads up.
I do have a Gaia Online account. You can reach me there. My user name is Raven Lacrymosa (that's exactly how you type it into Gaia's search) and that's how you'll find me there. I'm also Raven Lacrymosa on Google+ but I'm not really using it yet.
Thanks for reading!